Psalm 3:3
The Lord is a shield around me. He is my glory, the one who holds my head high.
God is a mighty and beautiful creator. In His presence, we find solace and strength, wrapped in a shield of protection and adorned with His glory. The Lord uplifts our spirits, guiding us with a gentle hand and illuminating our path with divine light. His presence is a sanctuary of peace, a source of inspiration, and a wellspring of boundless love. Open your heart to him. He gently calls us to embrace his love. You have nothing to lose.
“Take delight in him and he will give your heart its true desire” Psalm 37:4. Trust in him. Trust in his timing. If you believe he will use you to reveal his greatness. When we are faithful, God is faithful.
Father God I come to you this morning full of gratitude and praise. Your love showers me in peace and acceptance. Your grace and mercy envelops me in its eternal embrace. You created the sun, the moon and the entire universe, and in your majesty you also created me. Thank you. Father please forgive me for all of the ways I fall short of glory. Please give me the strength to resist temptation and sin. Father also, forgive those who sin against me. God there is no one above you. So, I come to you in faith declaring your authority over my life. You are my protector and will be victorious over any evil wish, thoughts or plans formed against me. Father God please cover the lives of myself and my loved ones as we go out into the world today. Father I pray, trusting in your timing and your will. In Jesus name Amen.

James 4:7
Humble yourself before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Spiritual warfare is real! Have you ever had a dream in which people are trying to make you sign something? Or attempting to give you jewelry or engage with you in an undesired act. If you have experienced this, it is an attack. In the dream state your body enters into a sort of paralysis. This is so you don’t hurt yourself acting out your dreams. However this inability to move can leave you susceptible to demonic covenants. Covenants meant to block God’s purpose or blessings for your life. This knowledge may be alarming but there are ways you can protect yourself. “I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them.” Luke 10:19. This biblical verse reminds of our authority over demonic attacks. It is important to remember God’s promise and to stand strong in your faith. One John 4:4; states“You have already won the victory, the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” God is more powerful than any demon! Pray and remember that there is power in your tongue. In 1 Peter 8-9 God warns us; “Watch out for the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him and be strong.” Faith is your strength, and prayer is your sword. Wield it!
Heavenly father you are a mighty God, all powerful, yet loving. In your wisdom you created everything both great and small, and I am grateful to be a part of your creation. Father, today I offer my whole being to you as a living sacrifice. Please forgive my sins as well as those of anyone who has sinned against me. I humble myself before you and resist the devil and any covenants he intends for me and my loved ones. I pray that any contracts sent by the devil be broken by the blood of Jesus. Father God you sent your son to be the light of the world. I follow his teachings so that I do not succumb to darkness. You sacrificed Jesus to save me from the destructive power of sin, and for this I am most grateful. Father, I understand that you speak to my deepest needs and I turn to you daily for strength, peace, and inspiration. Psalm 37:4 says “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Father God I pray that as I delight in you, my heart discerns ONLY that which is sent by YOU. Father, I pray for your continued guidance, grace and mercy, in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

John 6:36
“But you haven’t believed in me even though you have seen me”.
In the Gospel of John we read this profound statement made by Jesus. This verse invites us to reflect on the nature of belief and faith. As humans we have a tendency to doubt that which is unseen. Yet the essence of faith is to trust in what cannot be fully understood or observed.
Our culture has become a “seeing is believing" one, yet if we pause and look closely we can see the hand of God in many aspects of our lives. Such as the beauty in nature, creativity in music, love and friendship. When we are at our lowest we pray for God’s intervention, but often when delivered the prayed for blessings we doubt God’s hand. We have to learn to praise not only when times are difficult but also when times are good, because God is present through it all. Throughout the Gospels, we see numerous instances where Jesus performs miraculous acts, yet belief in him does not always follow. Similar parallels in the present explain why some individuals may witness extraordinary events yet remain unconvinced. Jesus emphasized that true belief goes beyond mere physical evidence or miraculous signs. It requires a heart open to understanding and accepting his message of love and forgiveness. As we meditate on this verse, we are reminded of the importance of cultivating faith that persists despite our doubts or the absence of physical evidence. It's a call to engage with our beliefs actively and thoughtfully. We don’t have to wait for the miracles or blessings to remember that each day that we draw breath is also a blessing. While miracles are an important aspect of faith, our belief must ultimately stem from a deeper, more personal conviction. Embrace the call to faith, even in the absence of signs, and allow it to transform your life.
Dear heavenly father we come before you with hearts full of gratitude and praise. You are a powerful, loving, and merciful God. Holy is your name and we honor your sacred power over the life of all things both great and small. With thought you created the heavens and are responsible for every breath I draw. For this I am most thankful. Father God we come before you to pray for forgiveness of our sins and forgiveness of those who sin against us. Dear Lord, please cover and guide us as we navigate the path you have planned for our lives. Even when life seems as though everything is chaotic, and our hearts are heavy, help us to discern your gentle voice, urging us to trust that all will be well. Father God keep our hearts open as we discern the beauty of your voice which transcends human understanding and expectations. Guide us back to your presence when we fail to recognize that you see, hear, and care for us more than we can imagine. Father God please break any patterns or cycles that feel too difficult for us to overcome. We pray the blood of Jesus over any evil both seen and unseen. Especially those which threaten our faith and fellowship with you. Father God we thank you for every blessing and every lesson. We ask that you use our faith as a testament to your love and forgiveness and that your anointing covers works that bring you praise. We thank you for your continued light in a world of darkness. And we thank you for the sacrifice of your son Jesus. May patience fill our being and prayers as we learn that you will prepare us for every blessing you have in store. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Genesis 4:7
You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right then watch out sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.
In this verse God is speaking to Cain. Cain is jealous of the favor shown to his brother Able. God warns him that sin is close, eager to control him. He also warns that he can subdue this sin and be its master. However Cain ignores God. Sin is prevalent in the world. It comes in many forms. As a result we must be vigilant, prayerful and cautious. If not, it can easily overtake us. It works through the things we indulge. The envy and pride we submit to, the greed or whatever sin we indulge in. Just as sin is prevalent so is God. The sin is loud but if you pay attention God’s blessings are prevalent and evident. For example the beauty of his creation; the skies and stars loom above us. We need only look up to behold one of his most beautiful endeavors. The changing seasons in all their beauty show us how mighty a creator God is. Drawing breath each morning with the knowledge that 100’s have not been granted the same gift, is a reminder of his grace and mercy. Amongst the many blessings provided by the most high, all that is asked is that we love and help one another. Partaking in sin robs us of enjoying these blessings. The greed, jealousy, laziness all diverts us from what God asks of us. Over 1000 times in the Bible God asks that we love one another. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another (John 13:34). We are instructed to Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10). Time and time again God is asking this of us. However, when we allow sin into our hearts it stops us from fulfilling this most sacred of commands. Love one another, help each other, pray for one another. Simple truths which can easily be overshadowed in the face of greed, envy or any of the many sins crouching in our peripherals. As we enter this new year let's put more energy into living as God intended.
Father God you are a merciful God. A loving God and a mighty God. Help us to know you. Help us to love each other as you love us. Please forgive our sins, those known and unknown. Also, father God, please forgive those who sin against us. We pray this first day of the year for your grace and covering as we come to know and trust your will for our lives. Please guide us to walk as your son Jesus walked, spreading love and forgiveness. Please continue to grant us peace as we learn to trust in your timing and wait for your promised blessings. Father God as we humbly trust that all things are working for your glory, hold us up and help us to love each other. Help us to forgive each other and to bring each other closer to fellowship with you. Let our path and indulgences be instruments of your greatness. Let our lives be a testimony of your love. Thank you for the gift of your son Jesus. Help us remember that in whatever we are facing you too have sacrificed that most beloved to you, so that we could know your love and be granted salvation. In Jesus' name we are grateful and pray for your continued love Amen.

Joshua 1:9
Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
As we begin the year many of us make new year resolutions. Many of us approach the year’s beginning as an opportunity to make better choices. Sometimes we do this by making small changes that may improve our health, or big goals aimed at revolutionizing our circumstances. Whatever they are, big or small, in the times that your endeavors start to feel like they are too much, remember God. God is our friend, our provider and our defender. He is present even when we wonder if he is working. Joshua 1:9 reminds us to seek him, as he is with us always. Throughout the bible we encounter countless reminders of this. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you (Isaiah 41:10). Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). If you are reading this today, I want you to remember that God is with you. Through your faith he gives you strength, and promises to protect you. All that is asked is that you be faithful. When we are faithful, God is faithful.
Father God, thank you for your love and protection. You are a mighty God and a loving God. Your mighty hands have shielded me from harm and destruction. At times the road ahead will feel overwhelming, but father God help me to remember that you are guiding my steps. Help me to remember that you are covering my endeavors. Father God your mercy humbles me and your grace fills me with gratitude. Please strengthen my praise and forgive all the ways I fall short of your glory. Gracious father help me to walk into every room with the knowledge that you are by my side guiding me. No challenge is too great for you to overcome. I will not allow fear to take root in my heart for your love is the source of my strength and my confidence. Thank you for every lesson and every blessing. In Jesus name, Amen.